Al-Qadi, Tutumluer among Transportation Research Record's most prolific authors

7/28/2020 McCall Macomber

Imad Al-Qadi and Erol Tutumluer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering professors, are listed among Transportation Research Record’s most prolific authors in a recent study.

The Transportation Research Record series is the official journal of the Transportation Research Board, the largest annual transportation conference in the world.

The study analyzed 30,784 articles published in the series from 1974 to 2019 to identify trends in topics, keywords and authors.

Al-Qadi has the highest number of coauthor connections and is the most published author in the pavement field.

Also featured on the list is Northwestern University’s McCormick School of Engineering professor Hani Mahmassani, a recent guest on ICT’s The Drive Forward podcast. Mahmassani has published the highest number of Transportation Research Record articles (183) since 1984.

Imad L. Al-Qadi (left) and Erol Tutumluer.
Imad L. Al-Qadi (left) and Erol Tutumluer