Upcoming conferences: T. H. E. and Airfield & Highway Pavements


T.H.E Conference

Each year, hundreds of transportation engineers, officials, technicians, faculty, and students gather to discuss issues critical to the safe and economical movement of people and goods across Illinois, the United States, and beyond. The 101st T.H.E. conference will take place February 24–25, 2015, at the Illini Union on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Pre-conference activities will be offered February 23 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Urbana, Illinois. Registration information and a preliminary program are available at the conference website.

Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference

The 2015 T&DI International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference will be held in Miami, Florida, June 7–10. For program and registration information, please refer to the conference website. The theme of this year’s conference is “Innovative and Cost-Effective Pavements for a Sustainable Future,” focusing on the rapidly advancing state of the art and practice in pavements, as well as pavement technology transfer.