Recent ICT reports and new projects
Several reports from recently completed Illinois-Department-of-Transportation-sponsored projects are now available on Illinois Center for Transportation’s website:
R27-170: Pavement Rehabilitation Strategy Course Development. The main objectives for this project were to develop training materials for IDOT personnel to enhance the understanding of fundamental concepts of pavement rehabilitation and preservation strategies, establish consistent practices following the guidance manuals, and minimize potential errors by selecting appropriate treatments.
R27-127: Evaluation of Adaptive Signal Control Technology Volume 3: Comparison of TBC 2017 and ASCT 2017. This report presents the study methodology, data collection, data reduction, and data analysis under the time-based coordination 2017 and the adaptive signal control technology 2017 field implementation of a Trafficware, Inc. product called SynchroGreen.
R27-171: Illinois-Specific LRFR Live-Load Factors Based on Truck Data. The main objectives of this study was to examine the adequacy of available Illinois weigh-in motion data and to develop refined live-load factors for Illinois load and resistance factored rating practice based on recorded truck loads in Illinois.
R27-127: Safety Analysis and Crash Modification Factors of an Adaptive Signal Control Technology Along A Corridor. This report discusses the safety effectiveness of the adaptive signal control technology SynchroGreen using an observational before-and-after study applying the Empirical Bayes method.
The IDOT/ICT Executive Committee met in Springfield, Illinois, on Feb. 19, 2019. The committee considered requests for new research funding and approved the following IDOT projects:
- Truck Platooning on Illinois Pavements: Changing a Challenge to Opportunity
- Optimized Hot-mix Asphalt Lift Configuration for Performance
- Development of Bridge Load Testing Program for Load Rating of Concrete Bridges
On April 1, 2019, ICT solicited competitive proposals for the following newly-approved research projects:
- Evaluation of Roadways High Mast Tower Lighting
- Technical and Financial Feasibility Study for Installation of Solar Panels at IDOT-owned Facilities
- Measuring Transport Properties of Portland Cement Concrete Using Electrical Resistivity
- Report Tracking of Public Maintenance Needs/Requests
- Cone Penetration Testing for Illinois Subsurface Characterization and Geotechnical Design
- Policy and Design Guidelines to Plan for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
- Beneficial Use of Dredged Material from the Illinois Marine Transportation System
To be notified when request for proposals are posted to the ICT website, please subscribe to our mailing list.