State Transportation Innovation Leadership Team aims to improve projects


The Illinois’ Every Day Counts (EDC) State Transportation Innovation Leadership Team (STILT) innovation initiative is designed to identify and deploy innovation aimed at shortening project delivery, enhancing the safety of our roadways, and protecting the environment. The STILT is intended to be a representative body of select transportation stakeholders intended to serve as a forum for the rapid deployment of EDC initiatives, along with other innovative strategies and technologies that may be identified in the future. ICT has accepted an invitation to participate in STILT and looks forward to contributing to this important project.

The first meeting of the STILT was held in conjunction with a nationwide videoconference that launched the National Transportation Innovation Network on October 20, 2011, in Springfield.

The STILT is an exciting opportunity for the transportation community in Illinois to explore innovative ways to improve and streamline the transportation project development process, and to deploy new technologies.