Fall into learning: Kent Seminar Series
This semester may look a little different, but our Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate students are doing their best to continue to grow.
In September, Illinois Center for Transportation graduate students organized the Fall 2020 Kent Seminar Series, a nine-speaker series featuring presentations on materials to systems including the following (listed in chronological order):
- Eshan Dave, University of New Hampshire associate professor, “Sensing pavements for detection of black ice.”
- John Harvey, University of California, Davis professor, “Improving pavement sustainability.”
- Hussain Bahia, University of Wisconsin-Madison professor, "High-strain/stress characterization on asphalt binders and mixtures.”
- Lev Khazanovich, the University of Pittsburgh professor, "Mechanistic-empirical design unbonded concrete overlays.”
- Cassie Castorena, North Carolina State University associate professor, "Advancing asphalt binder performance-graded specification.”
- Michael Greenfield, University of Rhode Island associate professor, "Insights into asphalt composition from molecular simulations and experiments.»
- Ilgin Guler, Pennsylvania State University assistant professor, “Signal timing in a connected vehicle environment.”
- David Forsyth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor.
- Yafeng Yin, University of Michigan professor, “On the empty miles in ride sourcing systems.”
We would like to take this moment to thank our Fall 2020 Kent Seminar Series presenters for their willingness to share their research and knowledge!
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