Geotechnical surveys underway for Illinois Autonomous and Connected Track
Engineers recently conducted geotechnical surveys on a segment of the former Chanute Air Force Base, now earmarked for the development of Illinois Center for Transportation’s Illinois Autonomous and Connected Track.
Geotechnical surveys are vital for making informed decisions regarding soil conditions, groundwater dynamics, potential construction challenges and cost considerations.
By ensuring that the track’s construction doesn’t interfere adversely with the natural underground environment, the surveys safeguard both the local ecosystem and the broader community. With these precautions, I-ACT is designed to be not only functional and cost-efficient, but also safe.
I-ACT will focus on the safe and reliable deployment of smart mobility technologies, emphasizing connected and electrified infrastructure.
It will offer a flexible platform for real-world development of new technologies and testing of operations with priorities on safety, transportation decarbonization, electrification and resiliency.
Aligning with Illinois’ broader economic goals, I-ACT aims to attract innovative industries, foster workforce training, create new jobs and establish essential protocols and policies for smart mobility.
Funding for I-ACT planning and design has been provided by UIUC and IDOT. The Village of Rantoul further bolstered this initiative by providing a 238-acre portion of the former Chanute Air Force Base. The conceptual and business plans are completed, and the design phase for I-ACT is actively in progress.