Challenges and opportunities in decarbonizing the construction materials industry

By Amlan Mukherjee on 11/09/2023 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in 1611 Titan Drive Rantoul, IL 61866

Join Amlan Mukherjee, of WAP Consulting, as he presents via Zoom at the Fall 2023 Kent Seminar Series Thursday, November 9, from 2-3 p.m. (CT).

This semester is set to feature 14 presentations, delving into a range of topics that address the intersection of transportation and climate change. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore various aspects of sustainable transportation practices, innovative green technologies and strategies for mitigating the impact of transportation on our changing climate.

Pizza and soft drinks will be provided beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the ICT Classroom

All presentations will be held on Zoom, but some speakers will present in person at ICT.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 1320 2796
Password: 632432

Abstract and Bio

Recent advances in measuring the embodied carbon of construction materials with Environmental Product Declarations have bolstered decarbonization efforts, increasingly demanding “substantially low carbon” options during procurement. However, there is resistance, stemming from the belief that low-carbon materials could compromise asset durability and performance. These debates are occurring in conference halls, and in the halls of Congress. Mukherjhee will explore the use of EPDs in public procurement, drawing on his ongoing research, as well as recent policy implementation at both federal and state levels.

Mukherjee, director of sustainability at WAP Consulting, spent 18 years as a civil engineering professor at Michigan Tech. He also worked as a life cycle assessment specialist on the Federal Highway Administration’s Pavement Design and Preservation team. Mukherjee’s professional interests lie at the intersection of information modeling advances and construction sustainability. He earned a doctorate from the University of Washington and is a licensed professional engineer in Michigan.