Kent Seminar Distinguished Lecture: Yafeng Yin

By Yafeng Yin on November 29 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in 1017 CEE Building

Join Yafeng Yin of the University of Michigan as he presents the Fall 2023 Kent Seminar Series Distinguished Lecture on Wednesday, November 29, from 4-5 p.m. (CT).

Yin will present in room 1017 at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Building, 301 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL. A reception will follow in the Bridge of the CEE building

This semester is set to feature 14 presentations, delving into a range of topics that address the intersection of transportation and climate change. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore various aspects of sustainable transportation practices, innovative green technologies and strategies for mitigating the impact of transportation on our changing climate.

All presentations will be held on Zoom, but some speakers will present in person at ICT.


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Meeting ID: 819 1320 2796
Password: 632432

Abstract and Bio

Recent research aims to transform transportation network equilibrium modeling by incorporating end-to-end learning. Traditional approaches have typically divorced behavior model selection and supply function calibration from the goal of achieving an equilibrium flow distribution that closely matches observations. Yin’s research, inspired by these observations, takes advantage of advancements in game theory and machine learning to develop a framework that learns demand or supply components and equilibrium states directly from empirical data. This new approach bridges the gap between model development and the ultimate goal of accurately reflecting observed data.

Yin is a professor and the Donald Malloure Department Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a professor of industrial and operations engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He specializes in transportation systems analysis and modeling, and has authored nearly 150 refereed papers in leading academic journals. Yin holds a doctorate from the University of Tokyo, and a master’s and bachelor’s from Tsinghua University in Beijing.