Repurposing plastic waste as fibers in asphalt pavements

By Songsu Son on 03/28/2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in 1611 Titan Dr., Rantoul, IL 61866

Join Songsu Son, of Liberty University, as he presents in person at the Spring 2024 Kent Seminar Series Thursday, March 28, from 2-3 p.m. (CT).

The Spring 2024 semester is set to feature 14 presentations, each addressing a topic related to modeling and mechanics in transportation. See the full lineup of speakers for Spring 2024.

Pizza and soft drinks will be provided beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the ICT Classroom

All presentations will be held on Zoom, but some speakers will present in person at ICT.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 2665 6958
Password: 535829

Abstract and Bio

The U.S. faces an urgent need for sustainable repurposing of the billions of plastic water bottles used annually, with less than a third being recycled. Recent studies suggest incorporating plastic waste into asphalt for road construction, offering environmental and performance benefits. However, concerns arise over toxic fumes from current techniques that involve melting plastic. This study proposes a safer, sustainable approach by using waste plastic as fibers to enhance the crack resistance of asphalt mixtures, differing from existing methods. This innovation aims to address environmental concerns while improving infrastructure quality.

Son, associate professor of civil engineering at Liberty University, specializes in sustainable road materials, innovative road construction technologies, and connected and autonomous vehicles in transportation systems. His international development work includes contributions in the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, China, and South Korea. Son is a technical committee member for the World Road Association and a founding member of the Chartered Institution for Highways and Transportation in Dubai. He earned his doctorate from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2014.