Mobility and Freight Modes
The Mobility and Freight Modes Technical Advisory Group determines research needs and priorities pertaining to aviation, freight, public transit and other non-automotive modes. The research needs and priorities shall seek to promote greater use of these modes through such means as increasing awareness, promoting greater mobility and connectivity and exploring ways to better maintain and expand related infrastructure relating to these modes and their effect on the highway system.
The contact and Mobility and Freight Modes TAG chair is Chuck Abraham, who serves Illinois Department of Transportation’s Office of Intermodal Project Implementation in the Bureau of Transit.
TAG members’ affiliations include:
- IDOT’s Office of Intermodal Project Implementation, Bureau of Transit
- IDOT’s Office of Intermodal Project Implementation, Bureau of Rails
- IDOT’s Office of Intermodal Project Implementation, Bureau of Aviation
- IDOT’s Office of Planning and Programming, Bureau of Planning
- IDOT’s Office of Planning and Programming, Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator
- IDOT’s Office of Planning and Programming, Bureau of Research (non-voting)
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
- Chicago Transit Authority
- Federal Highway Administration
- Federal Transit Administration
- Illinois Center for Transportation, Academic Representative (term ends May 31, 2025)
- Illinois Center for Transportation, Research Coordinator (non-voting)
- Regional Transportation Authority